le 16 juin suivie d'une réception dans la résidence de l'ambassadeur de Roumanie.
La Fondation pour la mémoire des victimes du communisme communique :
"Truth will penetrate the walls of tyranny in communist China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and North Korea with the launch of the online Global Museum on Communism," said Dr. Lee Edwards, Chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in a statement released [the day before yesterday].
According to Edwards, the public launch of the new online museum will signal to communist regimes worldwide that they can no longer hide their violations of basic rights and liberties. "We believe that the truth will make the captive people free," said Edwards. The launch of the museum will take place on Tuesday June 16, 2009 in Washington, DC during a ceremony to be held at the Residence of the Romanian Ambassador, Adrian Vierita. Wall Street Journalist John Fund will deliver the keynote address to an audience of diplomats, elected officials and human rights activists from around the world.
"The museum's launch will be global in character," said Edwards. It will be broadcast simultaneously via the Internet to thousands of people worldwide, including many in communist controlled countries. New technology enables Internet broadcasting, known as "streaming," to bypass communist blocking equipment designed to keep information away from their citizens, according to Edwards.
A lunchtime award ceremony will precede the launch and honor the recipients of the 2009 Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom: U.S. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Bishop Laszlo Tokes (a hero of the 1989 Romanian revolution) and the late Congressman and HUD Secretary Jack Kemp (Jimmy Kemp will accept the medal on behalf of his father). These individuals have distinguished themselves in opposing communism and tyranny around the world. Previous recipients include: Rep. Tom Lantos, Lech Walesa; Vaclav Havel; Elena Bonner; Pope John Paul II; William F. Buckley, Jr.; Sen. Henry "Scoop" Jackson; Sen. Joseph Lieberman, and; Sen. Jesse Helms.
A wreath laying ceremony will take place during the morning at the Victims of Communism Memorial on Capitol Hill. Ambassadors and diplomats from formerly communist nations, along with the leaders of numerous American-based groups and representatives of the communist nations of Cuba, China, Vietnam and captive Tibet, will lay memorial wreaths.