et les valeurs conservatrices ?
Here are parents of every race, class and background valiantly trying to offset an intrusive media's corrosive impact in the lives of their children, as they cope with a public school system that reinforces the media's socially destructive messages. As though in partnership with these negative forces, along come the pro-lifers, who validate youthful sexually promiscuous behavior, by celebrating its inevitable outcome and consequences. They have not only helped to normalize illegitimate childbirth, but have raised it to the status of saintliness. Instead of a Scarlet Letter, Hester gets a heads up and encouragement to repeat her folly.
A propos de Bristol Palin, la fille de Sarah :
(...) The pro-life Auster asks the question of the day: "Was it right to have this unmarried, pregnant 17-year-old girl at the Republican convention holding hands with her boyfriend on national and global television, thus normalizing an out-of-wedlock sexual relationship and pregnancy at the highest level of our national life?"
Republicans, says Auster, have put conservatives in a position where no negative judgment can be expressed about out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Not only have they done this, they offer up congratulations to the expectant Mom. "Since when," he asks, "is it good news that a 17-year-old high school student will be caring for her new born," while still in school?
And why are the circumstances presented to the public by Palin considered acceptable? Auster contends, "Because Bristol's baby is not being aborted. The non-abortion turns the unmarried pregnancy and the upcoming teen-age marriage into a blessed event! ... This is the way these Christian conservatives are responding – because of the moral reductionism that effectively eliminates all moral evils except for the evil of abortion."
(...) Pro-lifers apparently use the "conservative" label only as a convenience, which also explains their affiliation with the Republican party. It's a marriage of convenience. Hardly any more conservative in their outlook on most issues than their liberal counterparts, pro-lifers have overtaken the party, in order to have a base from which they can effectively promulgate their intransigent stance against abortion. And this is the only item on their cultural agenda.
Ce post est certes provocateur mais la réflexion mérite d'avoir lieu : l'avancée dans les mentalités - toute relative en France, réelle aux Etats-Unis - des arguments pro-vie a lieu au détriment du mariage. Ayez un enfant hors mariage et même dans le milieu "tradi", c'est à peine si on ne vous starifiera pas, au motif que vous n'avez pas avorté ! Or, il n'y a jamais autant d'avortement que lorsque les gens ne s'engagent pas ensemble, solennellement et dans la durée pour ensuite accueillir la vie. La précarité affective est l'ennemi n°1 de l'enfant à naître. Le retour en force du mariage chez les jeunes est LA condition à une réduction importante et durable du nombre d'avortements. Qu'on se le dise, la culture de vie ne se limite pas à la lutte contre l'avortement. Elle passe aussi par la promotion du mariage, de la chasteté en général (continence avant le mariage, respect, fidélité et ouverture à la vie pendant).
Thibaud (merci à RB)
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